
Dr. Angelica Browne's German 301 Student Projects

Winter 2019 

Was kann man während der Quarantäne zu Hause tun?

“Our final project is a video we have uploaded on Youtube. It is slightly different from our original plan because our circumstances have changed. This video serves as an insight of what you can do when you have to stay at home due to unforeseen circumstances. We had a lot of fun coming up with ideas to keep ourselves entertained and we hope our ideas can help you beat out the boredom while you stay at home for Spring break too!”

---by Carlin Liang and Rita Yu

Watch the video on YouTube

Ein Kind des Universums: Zwei Übersetzungen

Ein Kind des Universums: Zwei Übersetzungen [A Child of the Universe: Two Translations]: Sarah Stütz translated two of her favorite poems from English to German. “I would like to communicate that beauty + wisdom can be understood in any language.”

--- by Sarah Stütz

See the presentation



Winter 2018

Welche Sprache spreche ich? [“What language am I speaking?”]

“Our project is a children’s story, presented in three different formats: in prose, as a poem, and a newspaper article. The story is about two young children, one in the USA and one in Germany, who wake up one day speaking the language of the other. This causes grave problems and a wizard is needed (on a hidden island in the Atlantic) to restore their speech. We chose a light-hearted theme to show that writing can be fun and not something to be dreaded.”

-- by Marty Kaliski, Ella Hermann, Lisa Bertholdt

Read the story

Weltreise [“World Trip”]

A travel magazine by Amanda Kraynik, Jess Fauria, Anna Reck.

Read the magazine




Winter 2016

Check out the German 301 class presentation of a catchy hip-hop song. 

Ger 301 Is mir egal…

In a burst of creative enthusiasm Ger 301 students had great fun writing and performing a catchy hip-hop song “Is mir egal...” [“I don’t care...”], a spontaneous work of Art driven by the sole purpose of having fun experimenting in German. Want to know what CalPoly students care and don’t about? Check out the videos.

Please watch it on YouTube



Winter 2016 Final Projects

The assignment: develop an interactive, multimedia website that promotes a business-- an academy, a news magazine, a news channel, etc. -- while communicating to the world your take on current events, both global and personal i.e. your own Welt Aktuell.

Wissenreich Institut

His mission is to provide students of German a user-friendly website that offers them everything they need know to survive and succeed in the German language. This is a useful and practical source where students can access easy-to-read German articles, activities and methods to learn German quickly and painlessly.

Learn more about his mission.

Freie Deutsche Zeitung

This is a university newspaper in German that focuses on Cal Poly student life, happenings at the university, and must-knows in the town of San Luis Obispo. The purpose of the Freie Deutsche Zeitung is to entertain and inform the German speaking students of Cal Poly.

Learn more about the university.


This is a scholarship and foundation that promotes the Arts worldwide. It offers young artists the opportunity to promote their past and current works to a global audience.


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