MLL Alumni Speak at TESL Consortium
On Friday, May 3 the 2013 Cal Poly TESL Consortium featured 4 recent CLA alumni who spoke about their English language teaching experiences and offered job seeking advice for teaching English abroad.
MLL is proud to announce that two of the invited speakers earned degrees from our department:

Peter Cooper graduated cum laude from Cal Poly in 2010 with a BA in English and minors in French and Linguistics combined with the TESL Certificate. He joined the Peace Corps in July 2010 where he worked on a number of projects in Cambodia, including: co-authoring a music workbook, presenting at an international TESOL conference, co-authoring a textbook and syllabus, and running a series of teacher training workshops. His experience helped him to land a job at the University of Battambang, where he taught for a semester. He is currently working as a Canopy Tour Guide in the coastal redwoods near Santa Cruz and will attend law school in the Fall.

Rachel Hines graduated from Cal Poly in 2011 with a BA in Modern Languages and Literature and the TESL Certificate. Shortly after finishing her degree, she went to Guatemala for three months to teach an intensive English program for Cal Poly’s Guateca Summer School in the small village of San Pablo. In August of 2011 she went to Japan to teach English through the JET Programme. She spent a year in the northern prefecture of Yamagata teaching in several high schools. Rachel now resides in Los Osos and works as an English Learner’s Aide at San Luis High School and Laguna Middle School. She is also studying yoga at the Yoga Centre in San Luis Obispo where she teaches weekly classes.
The Cal Poly TESL Consortium is sponsored by the TESL Program and the Department of English.