Dr. Angelica Browne's German 233: Introduction to Literature and Culture Class Final Projects
Winter 2014
Enjoy these five delightful short films written, filmed and acted by the students of German 233 Introduction to Literature Class, Winter 2014. Explore genres ranging from fairy tales, to drama and comedy.
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Heinrich, der Einsame Soldat [Heinrich the Lonely Soldier]
A powerful expressionist film, dramatically acted:
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Unerwartete Freundschaften [Unexpected Friendships]
A charming fairytale with an unexpected ending:
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Fahrgemeinschaft [Ride-sharing]
Wonderfully acted and professionally filmed commentary on our modern lifestyle:
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Poseidon [adapted from Kafka's short story]
Witty and original adaptation of Kafka’s brilliant piece of prose about the sea god Poseidon presented as a disgruntled manager and bureaucrat of the waters:
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Geistes und Seeles Suche nach der Erkenntnis [Spirit and Soul: The Search for Knowledge]
Funny and original allegory about twins’ search for truth