Dr. Angelica Browne’s German 301 Final Projects, Winter 2016
The assignment: develop an interactive, multimedia website that promotes a business-- an academy, a news magazine, a news channel, etc. -- while communicating to the world your take on current events, both global and personal i.e. your own Welt Aktuell.
German 301 students created the following original and exciting projects:
1. Wissenreich Institut’s mission is to provide students of German a user-friendly website that offers them everything they need know to survive and succeed in the German language. This is a useful and practical source where students can access easy-to-read German articles, activities and methods to learn German quickly and painlessly. https://wissenreich.wix.com/mysite
2. Freie Deutsche Zeitung is a university newspaper in German that focuses on Cal Poly student life, happenings at the university, and must-knows in the town of San Luis Obispo. The purpose of the Freie Deutsche Zeitung is to entertain and inform the German speaking students of Cal Poly. The link to the website is: https://ipellas.wix.com/freiedz
3. Resonanz is a scholarship and foundation that promotes the Arts worldwide. It offers young artists the opportunity to promote their past and current works to a global audience